— Anonymous

— Anonymous

In sobriety I have found a new purpose and lease on life. The Lantern and my “brothers” I have met here have shown me that there is more fun in sobriety than I ever imagined. I shared more good times and laughs in my stay at The Lantern than in all my previous years of using. The camaraderie and brotherhood I have found here has been amazing, and crucial to my recovery and life-long sobriety.
The groups, meetings and fellowship that The Lantern provides has given me the tools I need to overcome any situation in which I would have previously turned to drugs and alcohol to cope. My brain and way of thinking needed to be completely retrained, and the 90 day in-patient program here at The Lantern helped that transformation begin.
This “home” is a haven of hope to all struggling with addiction and despair. I will be forever grateful to The Lantern and all involved with keeping these doors open to those who are looking to make a positive change in their lives.”
— Anonymous